Well, about a year and a half ago I met a guy. We became friends. Best friends. It was not very easy because there was this complication with a friend of mine and a friend of his. We barely talked the first time we saw. It was a small birthday party, and I most listened than said anything. The second time, there was much fewer people, so we engaged in conversation and surprisingly there was some things in common between us.
He just made an inquisition with me and asked all the questions I've always wanted someone to ask me to know the nice things about me (like what kind of books/music/movies I liked) and hey, he was the first guy to not be shoved away by my "strange" passion for literature. Actually, he liked that.
As I said, we became best friends. We chatted through the computer all they long - and by all they long I mean from after I got home from school to 3 a.m. We talked about everything. And then, we started going out together, as friends yet, and obviously that led to falling in love (I was scared at first), and to serious commitment the night we kissed. *-*
As you see, nothing of the other world. Just a beautiful feeling that grew from true friendship.
Reflecting from that, it saddens me truly that so much people banalize this feeling and the gestures that symbolize it. I don't mean to condemn any kind of philosophy or behavior here, just the lack of reflection and meaning people give to it these days.
I think people lost their faith in true love and care, they think its a naive view that there is someone that is better for you than anyone else. But why wouldn't be? If everyone is unique, someone must gather all those things, all those traits and thoughts that will make you happy.
I just think... people got used to immediate satisfaction, even if it is not a true one. And little by little they forgot that love, the companion of someone that understands you, cares about you, and will always be there for you, is worth waiting, is worth fighting, is worth your respect and dedication.
I just wish everyone could understand that, and some women stopped treating men like they were slaves, and some men stopped treating women like a piece of meat, and all could find that special one that makes everything better and be happy. It would make life, and the world, so much more beautiful and enjoyable. I wish everyone could feel as I feel today. And I think everyone that deserves will.
Don't loose faith in love, so don't loose faith on people. It might be hard seeing what we see today, but it pays.
Just some thoughts and feelings I wanted to share, not meaning to disturb anyone.